Board Members
President: Kerry Weber, NCTM
President Elect: vacant
Immediate Past President: Donna Beech
Past President: Christine Delbeau
Treasurer: Dan Weber
Secretary: Melanie DeMent, NCTM
Communications: Shelley Pritt
Systems Management: Katy Appelhans, NCTM
Membership: Betsy Erickson
Festival & Competition Chairs
MTNA Performance Competitions: Mary Ellen Schauber
MTNA Composition Competition and Composer Commissioning: Mary Ellen Schauber
Solo Piano Festival: Katy Appelhans, NCTM
Vocal Festival: Gus Merchante
Chamber/Ensemble Festival: Lotus Cheng
Theory Festival: Leslie Carey & Kerry Weber
Recital Chairs
DSTMA Recitals: Stephanie Ferguson
Honors Recital: Mitzi DeWhitt, NCTM
Other Volunteers
MTNA Certification: Mitzi DeWhitt, NCTM
Trophies: Elayne Penn, NCTM & Diane Otey
Bereavement/Sunshine Member Support: Betsy Erickson
Online Festival Registration: Katy Appelhans, NCTM
President: Kerry Weber, NCTM
President Elect: vacant
Immediate Past President: Donna Beech
Past President: Christine Delbeau
Treasurer: Dan Weber
Secretary: Melanie DeMent, NCTM
Communications: Shelley Pritt
Systems Management: Katy Appelhans, NCTM
Membership: Betsy Erickson
Festival & Competition Chairs
MTNA Performance Competitions: Mary Ellen Schauber
MTNA Composition Competition and Composer Commissioning: Mary Ellen Schauber
Solo Piano Festival: Katy Appelhans, NCTM
Vocal Festival: Gus Merchante
Chamber/Ensemble Festival: Lotus Cheng
Theory Festival: Leslie Carey & Kerry Weber
Recital Chairs
DSTMA Recitals: Stephanie Ferguson
Honors Recital: Mitzi DeWhitt, NCTM
Other Volunteers
MTNA Certification: Mitzi DeWhitt, NCTM
Trophies: Elayne Penn, NCTM & Diane Otey
Bereavement/Sunshine Member Support: Betsy Erickson
Online Festival Registration: Katy Appelhans, NCTM